Sunday, January 28, 2007

Hi prenz!!!!

Hi everybody....

Buat member2 yang saya tau ada juga tersesat pi page ni, thanx la k sebab sudilah juga menjenguk walaupun tiada yang best sangat pun.....Hehe....Template lama dengan segala entries yang lalu tu semua da di'delete' dengan sengaja, abis bikin berat ja...Susah mau buka blog sendiri...Harap2 saya dapat lebih banyak ilham dan idea untuk share dalam blog ni... Thanxlah sebab sudi menjenguk, k....
Okay, wish all of you all the best to come in the year 2007!!!! May God bless us all!! Peace!!


When I ask people whom they most admire, the people that keep coming up are not necessarily celebrities, but ordinary folks - people doing things that align with their own inner core; people with a sense of integrity, of integration from the inside to the out. And you know it when you are with them...

- Richard Leider,
co-author of Repacking Your Bags: Lighten Your Load for the Rest of Your Life